
Сonference “Integrated Approach to the Problem of Knowledge Representation: Cognitive Perspective”

On April 10 - 11, 2017 the conference “Integrated Approach to the Problem of Knowledge Representation: Cognitive Perspective” took place within the International Forum on the Humanities 2017 at Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH). It was organized by Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies. The event was important for the development of integrated approach in cognitive sciences. The conference agenda was presented both in papers on general-methodological issues in cognitive research and in papers focusing on new trends in particular areas of cognitive science. Rector of RSUH, Dr., Prof. Evgeny Ivakhnenko and President of RSUH, Dr., Prof., corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences Efim Pivovar welcomed participants of the meeting. Foreign experts, famous for their scientific achievements, such as Prof., Dr. Ernst Pöppel from Ludwig-Maximilian University (Munich, Germany), Dr., director of Para Limes Jan Wouter Vasbinder (Singapore), prof. Dr., head of the chair of theoretical linguistics, Dirk Geeraerts, (Leuven University, Belgium), Dr., Prof., Director of the Laboratory of Applied Logic Gergely Tamas (Budapest, Hungary), well-known linguist and expert in cognitive science, professor of the National Centre for Scientific Research Didier Bottineau (Paris, France) took part in the conference. In-depth presentations were made by leading Russian researchers: academicians and members of RAS: Alexander Chubarian, Konstantin Anokhin, Boris Velichkovsky; Prof., Dr., Deputy Director of Institute of Linguistics RAS Valery Demyankov.

Welcoming addresses were presented by Dr., Prof., president of Russian Psychological Society, dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Lomonosov Moscow State University, academician of the Russian Academy of Education Yury P. Zinchenko and Dr., Prof., member of the Russian Academy of Education, leading Russian scientist in the field of medical psychology and neurorehabilitology Victor M. Shklovsky.

The conference participants touched upon the problem of knowledge representation within several research areas; neurobiology, psychology, AI, linguistics. Methodologically-centered papers discussed the role of knowledge transfer as a process, characteristic of present-day scientific, business, educational and many other fields of human activity; broadening of cognitive sciences spectrum; the problem of knowledge representations in modern science; the path of cognitive science in the history of human knowledge development.

 The conference of 2017 provided the platform for cognitive psychologists and neurobiologists. They discussed the problems of knowledge representation and corresponding brain mechanisms. The developments of cognitome theory were presented, the topic of neurocognitive dynamics of complex psychic functions was expanded. Some topics were dedicated to formal logics and the problem of artificial intelligence.

The points at issue were situation-based representations of linguistic knowledge and the principle of computer connect-symbolic representation.

The major part of presentations was dedicated to cognitive linguistics. The following issues were discussed: linguistic knowledge transfer; cognitive modeling; corpora-based research in cognitive linguistics.
The conference was also attended by linguists of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Perm State University, Armenia National Academy of Sciences, Baltic Federal University and other Russian universities.

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