
Congratulations to Maria Nikolaevna Konnova!

Congratulations to Maria Nikolaevna Konnova with the defense of her doctoral dissertation!
On June 25, the member of the scientific collective of the RSUH Research and Study Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies Maria Konnova defended the doctoral dissertation on the topic "Categorization of temporal experience in English and Russian languages" presented for the degree of Doctor of Philology in specialty 10.02.20 - comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics.
The scientific consultant - the director of the RSUH Research and Study Center for Cognitive Programs and Technologies, Professor, Doctor Zabotkina Vera Ivanovna and the fellow workers of the Center wholeheartedly congratulate Maria Nikolaevna with the defense of her doctoral dissertation and wish the unquenchable enthusiasm and constant striving for success in her work, high achievements and awards, an inexhaustible flow of forces and interest in their work, bright hopes and confident actions in life, grandiose plans and their mandatory implementation.

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